The Training Thursday 2017-18
The Training Thursday 2017-18


Especially addressed to the faithful, pastoral agents of our parish community and interested people.

An opportunity to form ourselves and to "load piles" in our human and Christian experience.

Second Thursday of each month (from November to June)

Place: Multipurpose Room

(C. Corsica, 67 bass)


                     18:00 a.m. Presentation of the theme (30 minutes)

             Clues for reflection


                     6:30 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. - Open Discussion (60 minutes)


● Calendar Course 2017-18:




    08-March - In search of oneself. The coherence in our life

                       personal and social Consciousness and Values

                       In charge of Mr. Santos Espinosa, Physicist and Educator.


    12-April - Egypt: The Pyramids and the Tombs. 3,000 years of history

                     In charge of Mr. Joan Bertran, Industrial Engineer and Egyptologist.


    10-May - "Guaranteed Citizenship Income (RGC)"

                      What is it? Who can request it? How does it work?

                      People without resources, Human Rights and Economy of the common


                      In charge of Mr. Ignasi Farreres, Labor Counselor 1988-1999,

                      Economist, President of the Center for Economic and Social Studies.


     14-June - Other Banking is possible: The Ethical and Cooperative Bank.

                      Where we come from?. Where we are?. The future.

                      Is a bank with securities possible?

                      A new Cooperative Banking project in Catalonia is born.

                      In charge of Mr. Jordi Alarcos, Institute Professor, Engineer, Author of

                      different works on universal, commercial and microfinancial banking.


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